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The Protected Class Campaign Toolkit

Topics include:

  • Some Notes on Language  

  • What Is a Protected Class?

  • Why Start a Protected Class Campaign? (definitions; scope; examples of the impact of permanent punishments on the lives of justice-impacted people; permanent punishments as a racial justice issue; children as collateral; damage; research that finds permanent punishments counterproductive; why now’s the time to push this legislation)

  • How to Start and Run a Protected Campaign (from getting off the ground to monitoring success)

  • Research Supports an End to Permanent Punishments (The Societal Impact)

  • Some Sources of Statewide and Local Information

  • Existing Protected Class Ordinances


You can view The Protected Class Toolkit here

As local campaigns develop community education, outreach, training, press, sample endorsement, and other campaign materials, we will add them to the toolkit. So please send them to us!

The Protected Class Campaign Toolkit

We developed this toolkit, which Color of Change designed, for use in webinars and in-person training sessions.


You can view The Protected Class Toolkit Training Companion here.

The Protected Class Toolkit Training Companion

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